If you are like us, then you are always on the lookout for healthy snack or meal ideas for your kids. With school beginning in about a week, these ideas might replace those expensive and unhealthy pre-packaged lunch options. Here are five quick, easy, affordable, and healthy snack ideas that we love.
We like to make wraps without the bread. We call them roll-ups. Trader Joes has a healthy Chia seed wrap that is great for introducing some variety. Sneak in lettuce, tomatoes or grated carrots to help get your children to eat their veggies. If you slice the lettuce really thin, they might not pick it out!

Slicing up an apple, adding almond or peanut butter with some blueberries is a tasty treat for anyone in your family. We like to mix cinnamon in with the peanut butter for more flavor. Lemon squeezed on the apple helps prevent browning if you are packing this to go.

Organic strawberries with some almond slivers for ears, chia seeds for eyes and healthy fruit roll up for a tail is fun to make together if you have extra time.

homemade & healthy popsicles. We purchased our BPA-free molds from TJ Maxx for around $6.00.
Taking children shopping to find healthy items to pack might prove challenging. Challenge them to find five healthy things in the grocery store they would really like to eat. Have a healthy day!
Elite Wellness Group
Empowering People To Live Healthier Lives
350 North Main Street, Huron, OH 44839
www.EliteWellnessGroup.com . EliteWellnessGroup@bex.net . 419.602.0293 . www.facebook/ElitewellnessGroup
*We at Elite Wellness would like to emphasize that the suggestions and information that we share with you are intended as an aid to maintaining good health, and are not intended to supersede medical treatment. We are not making dietary recommendations but sharing what we feed our children. With all food allergies, please take care when eating foods that may contain allergens.
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